Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Finding Tiffy- Day 2-6

8/11- Day 2

I went to a wedding (which was simply stunning) where I had to act like a grown up. Mostly because I'd done the programs and wine labels- which were fabulous! My child-like thing? My mommy brought me groceries from her house, side note: since I've moved out I'm pretty sure she's under the impression I'm not eating. ever.

Anyway, I digress, in said grocery bags was also a shirt she had purchased for me. It was a pirate shirt featuring Blackbeard. I then proceeded to give her the history of ol' Edward Teach, after I finished squealing and jumping up and down.

8/12- Day 3

Slept in. Watched Beauty and the Beast. Twice.

8/13- Day 4

Had dessert before lunch.

8/14- Day 5

Decided to dress like a modern Pirate. This consisted of: New pirate shirt, cut off shorts, big hoop earrings, and a bandana. Also used pirate lingo for the entire day. Aye, matey? Y pirate name is Tiff the Terrible.

8/15- Day 6

I was at a fair for Liberty University today with my current place of employment (Macy's). My coworker and I stopped by Starbucks on the way there. She of course got a grown up coffee. I go apple juice, with two shots of raspberry. Seriously, try it- it's amazing!

Friday, August 10, 2012

Finding Tiffy- Day 1

Today I did boring things. I woke up, organized my closet, went out with my roomie.

However there was about 5 minutes where I connected with Tiffy. I actually made Meagan (my roomie) say "Seriously? It's like having an 8 year old brother again!" What did I do?

I attacked Meagan with my nerf gun.


She will now be prepared for further attacks.

When the heck did this happen?

Sad news ladies and gents.

The worst has happened. Somehow, I'm not sure how, but I've become. An adult.

Dang it.

I swore it would never happen, yet it has. I'm a boring adult. I'm in bed by 12, if not 11. I have a job that I complain about, I haven't watched a Disney movie in months, I started getting heartburn, I haven't stepped foot on a playground in nearly a YEAR and boys no longer have cooties (ok, so maybe the cooties thing isn't so bad). What the heck has happened?

I swore up and down I'd get older but never EVER become an adult. Sadly, I've lost my magic. I don't know how this happened, but I'm correcting it RIGHT FREAKING NOW!

I think it'll take about 3 months of me doing something childish everyday before I'm back on track.

Starting today, August 10, the Inner Child Project starts. I'll update daily with my activity, sometimes a picture.

Keep me loyal my friends.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

You know you're a female magician when...

Yes all of these have happened to me..

You tell your friends "I think I'll work the streets this summer!" and none of them try to stop you.

You realize one of your cards is missing, then you remember it's in the guy's pocket on the other side of the room.

Nobody will play poker with you.

You only have one pick up line, "Pick a card, any card."

Someone asks for your number, you tell them to check their pocket because it's already there.

Your purse is 95% gimmicks and 5% stuff that actually goes in a purse.

Someone says the word "magic" your friends all look at you.

You've been asked by someone to "Show me your stripper" and not gotten offended.

You accidentally palm any coin in your hand.

Other people think you're a heavy smoker because all of back pockets on your jeans have a card box imprint on them

More people know you as "Magic Girl" than your actual name.

You've spent a Saturday night with a group of elderly men, and nobody thought you were a gold digger.

A guy tries to hit on you by doing a magic trick, and you show him a better way to do it.