Monday, April 11, 2011

Hello again my lovely readers! Yes, even if you happen to have a Y chromosome you’re still lovely.

After my last post, I had some well-meaning and curious friends ask me what nicknames I DO like, and what I find attractive in guys. Honestly, they may just be trying to set me up – but I gave them a list anyway. I felt I should share it with y’all so you know I’m not a complete relationship pessimist. We’ll start with pet names.

Anything that is in a Bakery

Including but not limited to: Honey, sugar, sweetie, sweetheart, and scone.

Names with stories behind it/meaning

My favorite kind! Think about Kate from Lost – how Sawyer called her Freckles? Freaking adorable.

I had a guy call me “Daisy” for awhile, as in Princess Daisy, not the duck. He said it fit me perfectly because while I was still girly I could still hold my own with the guys and was pretty nerdy once you got to know me. Like I said, adorable.

While this isn’t an actual nickname, it has the same principle. Remember in The Princess Bride how Westly/Dread Pirate Roberts told Buttercup, “As you wish” when he wanted to say “I love you”? Yeah, just try to tell me you didn’t just go “aww”.

If your significant other calls you anything on my list of hated names, but there’s a story behind it then that’s ok. This is a loophole.

Actual Nicknames

I LOVE it when guys I like call me Tiff. It’s hot. Any other variations (i.e. Tiffy, Tiff-Tiff, Tifferson, Tiffy-Tiff-Tiff, Tiff Tifferson, etc.) just irritate me.

Some people just call me “that magic chick” that’s ok. However, I prefer “Princess of Cards” thank you very much, which was a nickname was given to me by a fellow much more experienced and impressive magician.

As a side note, if I ever get a tattoo that will be on it…with the Ace of Spades.

Almost Anything in a Country Song

Hello Darlin’…

See? There ARE acceptable pet names out there – even a loophole in Tiff Law. Not such a pessimist now, am I?

Moving on, I tend to like a different type of guy altogether. It has changed in recent years. All in all though underneath my preppy exterior is the heart of a nerd, and a nerd/geek lover am I.


I love intelligent guys! I don’t mean like “I made straight A’s, and can tell you how far away the sun is from the Earth.”

I mean the “I can use Linux, read binary code (both ASCII and Binary-coded decimals), have read Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings series multiple times, and can recite Pi to the 15th decimal.”

I cannot tell you how awesome and attractive that is to me.


Yes, I realize most girls want this in a guy. However, I have a…let’s say “different” sense of humor. It is very important to me that my future boyfriend share that same sense of humor. Otherwise, the relationship will be doomed from the start. Think 52I like puns, nerd jokes, and…ok let’s be honest I find almost everything funny. Find me a guy who thinks I’m funny and you’ll have found yourself Tiff-boyfriend material.


They don’t matter to me. Do I have preferences? Of course I do, but if a guy isn’t “my type” looks wise and completely is personality wise he becomes my type real quick.

Reformed Christian

This is non-negotiable. Must be a Christian, must be Reformed. If we can’t agree on what I try to make the center of my life, how in the world are we going to agree on anything else?


I don’t mean I should be able to tolerate him. No way. I mean he needs to be able to tolerate my insanity either by smiling and playing along, or by encouraging it even further. Preferable if he is slightly more insane than I am, if that’s possible.

There you go my loyal readers, proof I’m not a pessimist! Just simply hard to please.

Now…stop calling me a bitter pessimist or I’ll come after you.

1 comment:

  1. Laughing out loud right now...literally! Just thinking about calling Timmy a "Scone"! HAHA... and how this WILL be coming up on Monday! My suggestion for your next blog - your pet peeves! Because I know there are quite a few I can think of off of the top of my head that make me laugh every time. P.S. Hope you had fun tonight "wtf"!
