Monday, November 30, 2009

Toys R Us, creepy dolls, and epic Light Sabers

The other day, my friend Parker and I went to Toys R Us. (Or as my dear grandma whom I love dearly calls it "Toys of Us")

No, I'm serious. Hopefully, you would know that if you know me!

Here's how it went down:

We parked the car, and I immediately felt the familiar rush of adrenaline as we mad eour way toward the automatic doors. A gust of air rushed past us as we stepped through the threshold into what I consider one of the best places on Earth. Immediately, we are drawn to the first lightup fuzzy toy we see. After about five minutes I turn to my right and see the most awful thing in the world: A section devoted to Twilight.

Ok, for all you Twihards, I do not apologize. I've seen the movie (the first one, you are seriously disturbed if you think I'm paying $10 to see the 2nd) and read the wiki on the books. Not impressive. Personally, I think it is a bad influence for the teenage girls reading it. How many girls have you heard say "I want a guy just like Edward"? Case and point.

Moving on, I quickly skipped over that section and continued on our mission: Star Wars light sabers. Well, you all know me, I get distracted easily and this was worth the distraction. As I continued down the aisle, a wonderous sight I did behold: A Snuggie. Not just ANY Snuggie, oh no dear friend, a SASSY Snuggie! A PINK Sassy Snuggie to be exact! As I stood in awe for a moment, I realized: I MUST have it! So, I picked it up without skipping a beat and continued on. After awhile, Parker noticed and asked me about it. My response: I want it.

We continues on in search of our item: lightsabers. I'll take this moment to point out we were buying them for a "White Elephant" or "Dirty Santa" party for our Bible Study, RUF.

So we went through the Barbie section, and half and hour later came to the end of it. It took half and hour not because its that big, but because we...ok I wanted everything. We then crossed the invisble line that appears at all Middle School dances, the "boy/girl line". You know the line, it seperates the boys from the girls and NOBODY crosses it. Ladies and Gentlemen of blogworld, I crossed that line in Toys R Us. When we did, a terrible horrifying thing happened: We heard about 40, no lie, 40 babies giggle and coo. We looked at each other and said the same thing, "Where the heck did THAT come from?" We turned and saw a WALL yeah a WALL of motion sensor baby dolls. I of course not being freaked out by baby dolls at ALL laughed and went on while Parker proceeded to have a minor breakdown. Ok, all those who know me can now stop laughing and texting me telling me I'm a BFL (Big Fat Liar). In fact the opposite happened. Parker kept her cool while I freaked out. I hate baby dolls. They scare me. a LOT. It seems that whenever I'm in a stoer with my mom and there are baby dolls around, they mysteriously appear from around corners calling my name in a voice similar to my moms.

Anyway, we continued past the creepy baby doll wall- we have video- and after 10 minutes of searching found our prize: the lightsabers. Having wasted enough time as it was, we grabbed them and ran to the checkout. They were a hit at the party, especially after we started using people's lightsaber phone apps. To say the least it was epic.

So dear readers, I Wish you a very Merry Christmas!

Love, Tiff

1 comment:

  1. I do have to say that you did handle the baby in the christmas play very well ;)

    A for the lightsabers they were prety epic, although the most epic part of the night was when your lightsaber was opened and it was in your cute, sassy, PINK sunggie box.

