Monday, February 7, 2011

Avada Kedavra You Sparkly Vampires!!

WARNING: If you are a Twilight Fan read no further, I'm not and I express this vehemently. Thank you.

I hate Twilight. I'm sorry those of you who are reading this that didn't heed my warning, but it's shallow and a TERRIBLE influence for the young girls reading it. Really girls? "I want a guy like Edward..." last I checked he: watched Bella sleep, alienated her from her family and friends, and is always "around" meaning he follows her. Not Ok. Bella on the other hand? "She's so awesome". Moody, dependent completely on Eddy for happiness and when she can't be with him tried to kill herself? Nope, don't think so.

Parents who are reading this, don't fret for there is another book series your children can read and actually (gasp!) learn too!

The Harry Potter Series.

I'm a Harry Potter Fan, if you think it's Unchristian, let me know there's a book you need to read. The entire series is so blatantly Christian it's wonderful - but I digress.

Here is my proof that Harry Potter is better than Twilight. These were found on and - one thing I noticed on the Twilight site the "flops" and "Top 100" had a surprising amount of overlap. Hang on to your wands 'cuz here we go!

Exhibit A

Twilight: Today, I realised my hair is bown jus like bellas! :D MLIT

1) What color is bown?
2) You JUST realized your hair color? I don't care if you just learned to read
you know the color of your hair!

Why HP is Better: Today I looked up events on my birthday and found out that the exact day and year I was born was the day Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone was published. I always knew I was born on a magical day. MLIM

HP fans know basic facts, like our birthday and hair color for that matter.

Exhibit B

Twilight: Today I dreamt of my own version of Edward. Average height, green eyes, soft lips, and pale cold-skinned. Life would be so much easier if I weren't in love with him, but I can't help it. If i could dream, it would be about him because someday we will be together. MLIT

HP: Last night, I had a dream that I went to the Wizarding World of Harry Potter. I was having such a great time in the dream, and I was just about to enter the castle, when I realized I had to pee very badly, and woke up. Never have I been so disappointed with my bladder. MLW(as)A(lmost)M

Please note the Twihard said "I dreamt" and then said "If I could dream", I'm seeing inconsistencies. However, us cool HP fans CAN dream, DO dream, and dream about REAL things...ok "magical" things but real nonetheless.

Exhibit C

Twilight: On May 1st i went to Columbus Ohio. Me and my mom and aunt and people we met went to a mall. and we see lifesize Edward and jacob cutouts. of course i got and Edward one. Now i am for sure taking Edward to prom. CANT WAIT! MLIT. = ]

HP: I told my boyfriend how I anxious I was for the cast list of my school play to go up. He replied "accio cast list". I threw my arms around him and told him I loved him, to which he replied "works like a charm". M (boyfriend)IM

HP 2: On December 17, 2010, my boyfriend proposed to me at the Wizarding World of Harry Potter, right in front of Hogwarts castle. Is he the one? Dern straight. I said yes. MLIM

HP fans have ACTUAL boyfriends that are not only punny (works like a charm heh heh) and sweet but don't have to kill us...sorry, suck all of our get us to marry them.

Exhibit D

Twilight: Today, me and my BFF Jessica went to see a movie. i looked for motorcycles guys to give me a ride so i could see Edward's face like Bella did. (: MLIT.

HP: My little brother was really nervous to be starting high school because he had a really hard time with bullying in primary school and didn't have any real friends, so i told him neither did Harry but he found them at Hogwarts. He isn't as nervous anymore. OLAM.

Twilight teaches, "Miss your bf? Put yourself in a dangerous situation you'll see him!" HP teaches us valuable life lessons that can be used to help younger generations with self esteem issues. HP= Practicality, not danger. Well, unless you count Granger Danger but that's another story entirely.

Exhibit E

Twilight: Today as I'm driving down the highway i do what i usually do and look at other cars. As i do this I'm thinking of how amazing it will be to see Eclipse. The first car i see is a deep blue car brand: ECLIPSE....ironic. MLIT

HP: Today in Health class, we were writing and drawing about ourselves. One of the things we had to have was a slogan. Mine? "Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, if only one remembers to turn on the light." MLIM.

HP: I skipped sleep last night so I was barely making it through class today. In my last class I set my head down and tried to fight off the sleep and thought "It would be so awesome if the electricity would go out so class would be cancelled." Right as I finished that thought I heard gasps and when I lifted my head everything was dark.I always knew I was a witch. MLIM

Instead of misusing "ironic" we quote Dumbledore, and the quotes make sense and are inspiring too...WHAT? I know I just blew your mind.

Exhibit F

Twilight: today, i bought a volvo with my college money, my parents dont know yet...MLIT

HP: I was super excited when I was admitted to Transylvania University, a rather selective private university that is over over 250 years old. And then I found out about the 7 year curse. And the two tombs in the administration building. And ANTH2604: Magic, Witchcraft & Religion. And then the quidditch team, which went to the Quidditch World Cup. In October we had a Sorting Hat Ceremony and in December a Yule Ball. Completely true story. You can google it. MLIM

Instead of wasting our COLLEGE money on cars that look like a fictional character's car, we go to college. Yes we invest our money in HP paraphernalia but we don't waste it behind our parent's backs for the most part.

Exhibit G

HP: I noticed that Voldemort calls Bellatrix "Bella." Nice choice to name the villain, Rowling. MLIM

"It does not do well to dwell on dreams and forget to live." Albus Dumbledore

"The idea for Twilight came to me in a dream." Stephanie Meyer

'Nuff said.

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