Sunday, October 10, 2010


Yet again it has been awhile since I posted, I started a number of posts but alas never seemed to be able to finish them. Here's my conclusion why: I have been merely content with my life.

My week consists of church, work, meeting with people at the same days and the same times every week. Rinse and Repeat. This was a life I swore I'd never have, so why do I have it? I'm not saying it's a bad life, not at all. I love my job, my friends, and the things I do with them -what I hate is the monotony. I am not a monotonous person, I'm spontaneous. I love to decide on a whim to go somewhere and do so, to look absolutely ridiculous onstage - unscripted, pull people out of their comfort zone, and of course to mystify. Now, I do none of these things. The last time I was onstage was my senior year of high school, I have retreated into myself so now I need others to pull ME out of my comfort zone, and I haven't perfected a new trick in months.

Who am I? I am sure as heck not the Tiffany Allen I used to know.

Now, I realize this could be me finally growing-up...ok stop laughing. There must be a way to combine being the boring, professional adult I've become, and the vibrant carefree one I used to be. To relate it to art terms, I need to combine the white, boring self I am and the bright red I was...therefore becoming the best color in the world: Hot Pink.

I feel the key to this is Magic. Not just the regular Disney Princess magic, no I mean my magic. The illusions I do, the card tricks, "mind-reading", all of it. The feeling I get when I look into a person's eyes and know they are mystified is what drives my madness.

This is my plan: my life will be magical.

I leave you with that my friends, I trust you will hold me to it. I want to love my life again.

I will be hot pink again.

1 comment:

  1. Yay for growing up! It's not as bad as I used to think it would be.
