Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Celebrating 2 Decades of Tiff

My dearest friends, and other readers of this blog, it is with pride and joy that I announce that in 2 days I will be turning 20! I will now pause while you cheer for me and receive odd looks from the other people in Panera. I have been alive 2 decades which is 20 years which is 1042.86 weeks, which is then 7,300 days that goes into 175,200 hours which is then 10,512,000 seconds. Yes, I did just use the calculator on my computer. Now, we all know I like to do things up right especially for such an awesome occasion as this. You're about to ask me what I'm doing aren't you? (If you weren't I'm not a mind reader so I can't be right all of the time). Even if you weren't I'm going to tell you. The mom and sister are going to Baltimore for a Volleyball National Qualifier Tournament and are leaving on my birthday. They asked me if I wanted to go, but honestly I'd rather not spend my birthday getting beat to death by volleyballs hit by girls half my age and twice as tall as me. Instead, I will be visiting my lovely friend Amy at Duke for the weekend!! Yes, I am driving down by myself. Yes, I do have directions, and yes I am going to get lost at least once. We're going to one of my favorite restaurants The Melting Pot (I already went to another restaurant on my top 5 list with the fam to celebrate earlier this week), if you haven't been there go...right now. I'm serious. So I know how I'm celebrating my birthday but what am I to do on here for it? Let me tell you I thought and though about it and I decided I would post my 20 Favorite Birthday/Happy Memories (20 is a lot of numbers) also accompanied by some pictures from previous birthdays. This will obviously be rather lengthy, so I'm dividing it up into 2 posts, this one and the next one. Some of these memories could possibly be classified as "lame", but they made me feel good so therefore they are not lame and if you think they are you should not be reading my blog kthanks :) Also, these are in no specific order just how they come to me. And now without further adieu, my list...

20 Favorite Birthday/Happy Memories

20. Having my friends give me 3 surprise parties for my 16th Birthday.

19. Tiffapalooza, 'nuff said.

18. My eighteenth birthday altogether.

17. My ballerina party (I was turning 5) when even my most tomboy friend (who shall remain nameless, you know who you are haha) dressed up as a pink ballerina.

16. My Princess party (birthday #6) when Cinderella came to my party to sing me Happy Birthday.

15. Going to the Homestead for my 16th birthday

14. Having Amy drive up from Duke for one day to surprise me for my 19th birthday

13. My Easter Egg Hunt Birthday Party (I can't remember which one, but Easter was that week how cool!)

12. Making Amy and Daphne sing Karaoke with me on Tiffapalooza

11. Mom making the "How well do you know Tiff?" quiz and seeing the answers everyone wrote down (Bday #18)

10. Carmen taking me to Texas Roadhouse, telling the cute waiter it was my birthday and then having to stand on the table while everyone "yeehaw'd" me.

So ends the birthday part of my list, more may appear in part 2...stay tuned!!



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