If you don't watch "In Plain Sight", you should. Not only is it an awesome show, it has Marshal Marshall Mann. Yeah, that's his name, and he's a man after my heart.
He is insanely nerdy, and knows random facts you will never have to know.
He has a deep, wonderful voice.
Protective of his girlfriend and friends.
Before you ask, no I don't see a problem with him being a cartoon/CGI character.
The whole bad-boy thing, but he ends up being SO SWEET
Adorable, just darling
Also so very funny, a dry sense of humor (which I LOVE)
Ryan Reynolds

Just so y'all know, it took me 15 minutes to find a picture of him, do you know how hard it was to choose just ONE?!
He's hilarious! If he's that funny/quirky in movies then some of that must have actually rubbed off for real life right?
He was the Green Lantern, one of my FAVORITE DC characters of all time.
Let's be honest, have you SEEN this man? Mainly, the smile.
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