Sunday, August 14, 2011

Return of Supergirl

At the beginning of the Summer, my housemates (mom and sister) and I went to Myrtle Beach. My second favorite place in the world, behind Disney. I completely forgot to bring a cover up, and as every girl knows it's just awkward to ride in an elevator and walk through the lobby in just a bikini.

Although I missed the "always be prepared" thing in Girl Scouts, I did learn the importance of improvising from theatre. Which lead to me using my Super-awesome shirt as a cover up.

While I could make this whole post about the looks and smiles I got from the college guys there, suffice it to say there were a lot of those. No, this story revolves around a little boy around five or six years old.

After being on the beach for awhile, I was going back up to the room - which was on a higher floor so I obviously wasn't going to walk. Ok, I wouldn't have walked even if we were on the second floor.

It was around noon, when the elevators are swamped with parents and their kids headed to their rooms for either lunch or aloe. Have you ever noticed the awkward silence in an elevator? I've noticed kids are totally immune to it! It's so great! Anyway so there I was, in an elevator with about 4 parents and 2 kids in my Supershirt.

The awkward silence encompassed us like a hazy mist, until the sun broke through. That sun was in the form of a five or six year old boy who at that moment turned to his dad and said, "Dad, why isn't Supergirl flying to her room?"

Then a little girl a little older than him interrupted this beautiful moment with, "She's not Supergirl! She's not real." There's one in every crowd....

The best part was the dad's answer, said completely deadpan "I don't know, why don't you ask her?"

As the boy (and smug little girl) turned to me, the elevator reached my floor. Before I stepped out though I looked at the boy and said:

"It was too windy, I tried earlier today but the manager asked me not to anymore since I kept breaking windows."

I then winked at the girl and went to my room.

Best. Elevator ride. Ever.

I may even venture to say it was super.

(As a side note: it was ridiculously windy that day, and part of the hotel was under construction so some windows actually were taped up/broken looking.)

1 comment:

  1. You are AWESOME Tiffany! HAHAHA.. I love you and your smarty pants attitude.. I can say that you credit that ALL to me! :).. Callan
