Sunday, July 3, 2011

U2 can be an Awesome Guy

If you've been following my facebook, you'll know this past weekend I went to Nashville, TN for a BALLIN' concert. Florence and the Machine and U2. Epic? Yes. However the description of the awesomeness that ensued is for another post. I'm going to talk about the awesome people around us. Let's continue.

We were mainly there for Flo (sorry Marc and Amy), but I was still excited about U2. We got REALLY close to the front, I could almost touch Bono (AWESOME). Before the show, we got to know the people around us - considering there was no personal all. The main character in this story is referred to as "Awesome blue guy" or "Awesome Guy". He was a REALLY tall guy around his mid 50's/early 60's, wearing a bright blue shirt. Oh right, he was also Welsh and had a kickin accent.

Before the show he was telling us how excited he was to see Bono...again. "I'm gonna be like 'HEY BONO!' like I'm his best friend!" in his awesome Welsh accent. Later, he was talking about dancing to a college guy beside us, "Man, don't make me break out the shopping cart!" The accent made it 10x better.

The temperature outside, where the concert was, was around 95. Not even kidding. It was SCORCHING. We smartly stayed hydrated. However, a 13 year old kid beside us obviously did not. He started stumbling around and in 3 seconds turned white. No lie, WHITE. The kid's dad, was a jerk. "You're fine! Shake it off." Even I knew the kid was going DOWN. So Awesome Guy puts his arm around the kid and goes "Fine, I'll get him out of here." The idiot dad is saying "He's fine, he doesn't need to go anywhere." Then the kid's knees went out.

Imagine 4 girls, us and the awesome chick beside us, moving a crowd of 300. We did it. Awesome guy puts his arm around the kid to help him walk, they got halfway out and the kid collapsed. Then, Awesome literally picked up the kid and carried him to the EMTs.

Where was the dad this whole time? Following behind like an idiot, I would have loved to smack him.

What does this story teach us? Good people still exist. Awesome guy was obviously insanely excited and had an awesome place to see the stage. However, he didn't hesitate to give it up and completely miss the concert to take care of a kid who's parental unit was not doing what they should have been.

To all the Awesome Guys out there, I thank you.

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