Tuesday, June 28, 2011

The Invasion of 2011

A true story:

The storm raged outside, the young woman sat inside with her trusty pup by her side. The lights flickered, a crack of lightening, she checked outside to see a tree split. In the distance a fire truck sped to it's destination, but she remained inside safe from harm oblivious to the intruder outside.

There he sat, wet in the rain underneath the bushes as lightening sounded around him. Through the flashes of light he saw the woman in the window, unaware of her impending doom. She'd never find him, so he thought, he knew where to enter the house without her detection. He slowly made his way across the patio and went inside.

She eased as the storm wound down, and made her way upstairs.

He had made his way inside and was ahead of her, already waiting in the kitchen. He heard the door squeak, he sat there silently, there was no way out now.

She opened the door, the dog barked, she screamed a blood-curdling wail and jumped on the sofa with the dog.

There on the floor....was the intruder.


  1. Awwww that is such a great story! I thought it was a person at first, but that is so funny and so cute :)

    xo katie elizabeth

  2. Glad you liked it! I wrote this minutes after I had extracted "the intruder" from my house haha
