Ok, you're caught up.
This post is mainly about the last thing listed - I'm auditioning to be a magician at a theme park. HOW AWESOME. Hypothetically if I DO get the job then I'll get comp tickets, awesome experience, get to meet lots of people, and get paid to do what I adore. I see no bad side. Well, my family does - I'd move to Williamsburg for the Summer but even they're excited about coming to see me. So really, no bad side.
Obviously I've been practicing a LOT. I mean way too much - I'll put it this way: my hands are chapped and cut from handling my card so much. I'm gonna need a mani before the auditions. Anyway, all this practice has made me realize there are some things about performing that I really don't like. Watch out - here comes one of my famous lists! (Also as a warning another list will soon follow this one "Why I LOVE Being A Magician" but I figured I get the bad out of the way first).
As a side note: I decided to do pictures in MS Paint (Mac version of Paint) so yes, I know the pics aren't the same caliber as my usual artwork, but I thought I'd put them in there anyway. If nothing else for laughs because they are truly awful haha!
Now, without further adieu, my blog.
1) "But You're a GIRL!"

Apparently, people automatically think I'm an assistant not a magician, and are shocked when I tell them I don't have an assistant - I am the act. I cannot tell you how many times this has happened to me. Seriously apparently magic is the one this women "aren't allowed" to do. I have taken into account to well meaning people who are just surprised and still come up with an alarming amount of people who think I'm not allowed to do magic, that I just get cut in half.
I actually had person tell me "Your place is in the box, in feathers and sequins not saying a word. You are a disgrace to the art." The sad thing was this person was a magician. I then thanked him for his opinion and then proceeded to go on and perform my show (which I was later told was better than his). Of course, we should congratulate this individual for being able to even form a coherent sentence since his single-celled brain was currently busy trying to inhale and exhale.
2. "Oh my gosh, are you like Criss Angel?!"

Are you being serious right now? The only thing we have in common is we both wear too much eye makeup. I don't catch myself on fire intentionally, walk around without a shirt on, or claim to have supernatural abilities. I'll give him this: he is a great showman I just don't agree with all of the ways he presents magic. Also, he is pretty hot - not really my type though.
3. "Can you do a trick like right now?!"

People seem to ask me this at the most inconvenient times. Most of the time, it will come up in conversation and my well-meaning friends will say "oh this is interesting - Tiff does magic!"
Cue domino effect. The first two reasons on this blog are also the first questions that people ask me. Then, after they've gotten to know me or they get bored some hours late they find me like a bloodhound and beg and plead for me to do a full out show. When I say "Oh, I'm sorry I don't have anything to do it with!" They go "Oh, fine, you're not legit then if you need "stuff".
Well ex-CUSE ME Princess but last I checked I needed cards, or coins, or a person with a brain to perform magic. Stick that in your juice box.
So ladies and gents of Blogworld, there are my reasons. Don't get me wrong - I adore magic and like I said I'm working on a "Why I Love Being A Magician" blog. However, its currently 4 pages long...single spaced :).
Wish me luck on my audition! I have a great friend going with me so it'll be a blast!
Blog to follow on the trip...her mom (who is now my favorite person ever) got us eyepatches and swords for our adventure since I already had the pirate hat.
P.S. Thanks Heather for feeding the fish :D
WOOHOO!! Dang right its going to be a blast!! I absolutely love the pictures they are so freakin hilarious!! LOVE YOU! 3:45 baby!! Let's get our pirate on!