Oh right, my story. We last left our two heroines (girl version of hero - not a drug) with Rach asleep and Tiff awake slowly going (more) insane.
Well, I finally FINALLY got to sleep. We woke up at 10, checkout was a 11. Us, last minute? Nevahh!
We then went to one of the coolest stores ever - the Yankee Candle Company. Ok, I know what you're thinking, "It's a candle store - what the heck?" Seriously y'all, this thing is like an indoor park, or a mall in and of itself. We were stunned when we walked in - there was a toy store, ice cream place, candles (of course) a whole Christmas section that you had to cross a bridge over frozen water to get to, and it snowed every 4 minutes inside there, we spent the whole day up until my audition there.

Now, I had been in the store before and I love it hence why I dragged Rach there. But lo and behold something I had not noticed before! You see, there is a huge clock when you walk in and every 30 minutes...well watch the video and see...
(Yes that is me, and Rach is filming so you won't see her just my paint renderings of her).
So, we stayed there for awhile, I called my mom (while in Mrs. Claus's bakery) who offered her unwavering support.

Then, after a Dr. Pepper and a stop by 7-11 for a snack it was off to the auditions. To say I was nervous is so much of an understatement it's not even funny. I was literally shaking, on the drive over (why oh why didn't I let Rach drive?!) felt sick which never ever happens to me and when we pulled into a spot I was almost in tears. Like I said, nervous was an understatement.
Now, I could write a whole post on why Rach is such a wonderful and special friend. However, none of those things would ever amount to what she did when I turned the car off. I was visibly shaken/nervous (which never ever happens to me, I love performing for people!) so what does she do? Looks at me and goes "Ok, we're praying now." Needless to say, I felt so much better afterward and I strutted my magical self right in there.
If looks could kill, nobody would ever make it to the auditions alive. I'm serious, everyone looks at you like "you are my competition, you will not live to see another hour." It's intimidating and scary.
When I finally got through the line to check in, the guy at the desk looked at me and in a very unenthusiastic tone said, "Let me guess, you're a singer/actress?" I smiled and said "Well, I can be but I think you have enough of those. I'm actually a magician." Best. Reaction. Ever. "Oh my gosh, that's so cool and SO much better than a singer/actress. I bet you're crazy good too, here go fill these out asap I'll get you in as soon as I can - I don't think the directors can take many more songs!"
I filled out my application and went to the waiting room - woah. Remember what I said about looks killing? Oh yeah, lucky I'm alive. See, for the most part you could tell what people were doing. There were 4 categories:
Classified by:
No Headshot with them
Large, encumbering instrument
All black ensemble
If Male, most likely lack of social skills

Classified by:
75% were redheads (it was also for Irish Dancing - I kid you not)
Long, slender legs
Had crazy awesome dance moves

Most were auditioning for both so we'll just put them together.
Classified by:
Practicing songs/monologue LOUDLY
Binder with song/monologue
Grouped in center of the room
Bright "look at me" clothing
Evil glare in eyes that said "I will murder you if you're better than me"

Variety Acts/Other
Classified by:
Me and a guy who rode a unicycle while juggling...he also had a rubber chicken.

While you could usually tell right off what someone was auditioning for (binder= singer/actor, dance shoes=dancer, rubber chicken= juggler) people for the most part thought I was cocky or were just plain intimidated by the fact I had everything memorized since they assumed I was a singer/actress. The fact I was playing with cards did nothing for them.
The casting directors were expecting 100 people to show up...200 came. I auditioned 6 hours later. By this time, Rach had decided to come keep me company. I tried to get her to sing (she has an amazing AMAZING voice) to intimidate the other people...but being the nice person she is she said no.
I'll spare you every last detail of my audition, however, I will give you my opening line, "Today, I was going to perform Chopin for you on my cello. Unfortunately, I seem to have misplace my cello, so instead I'll be doing a magic show for you."
The judges were obviously very refreshed by this, if you want to see the 3 tricks I did for them just let me know next time you see me - I carry them with me. Seriously - it was Cards, Rubberbands, and more cards how can I NOT have them with me?
When I left and met back up with Rach, Sweet Mama T (my mom) had called and said she didn't want us driving back late so she'd pay for another hotel room. SCORE! So we checked back into the hotel (Tim was very happy to see us).

We then proceeded to go to Chili's since niether of us had eaten since 12. We ate like pigs.
Then it was back to the hotel and back in the nice fluffy beds.

We rose the next morning and headed back home, content that our trip was a success. I'll find out Saturday if I got it or not!
Update: Well, looks like I didn't get the job, but next month I'll be auditioning at Tweetsie Railroad in Boone, NC so wish me luck!
P.s. If you leave me lots of nice comments I may upload a video of me performing :D
AWesome Blog!
ReplyDeleteTiff... is there anything you can't do? I just love your blog... and why is there no mention of me? you know, the old lady in the shoe...