Let's be real, wether you admit it or not you dear friend are stressed. This blog is meant to un-stress you. I have the time to do this thanks to my semester off from classes meaning I have no finals. Every day at work is a final. Just kidding, I love my job next time you see me ask for my business card (no joke). By the way, for those of you who think I "dropped out" I have the deposit on my classes for SUMMER 2010 semester (a few mere months away in case you didn't catch that) to prove you wrong so put THAT in your juice box! But thats another blog, back to you being stressed.
I have composed a list of things from Summer memories that make me happy, and I assume make most people happy. So when you read this I want you to take the few precious seconds that you have and remember that moment, or one similar to it. I know all of y'all won't agree with everything I have on the list...so just go to the next one
You ready? Here we go....
Listening to a good ol' Country song
(Dolly, The Judds, Charlie Daniels, anything twangy)
Ok, I know most of you don't agree with this. However, it's my blog, what I say goes. This is why I find this very de-stressing. I am a Southern gal as most of you know, and I love sweet tea, sundresses in the summer, sitting out by the lake, etc. Whenever I listen to a good old twangy song I think about sitting by the lake in my cute little sundress and heels with my big hat sipping on sweet tea. Don't you dare tell me that ain't relaxing.
Summer Nights with Friends
You may all now say a collective "duh". My friends and I have a blast in the Summer, I don't think we've ever gotten sick of each other. I think the best thing in the world is laying on a hammock with your best friends, looking up at the stars drinking smoothies (note that most things on this blog will involve food I ain't no size 0 honey I like my food). I also love going to Mr. Goodies on an "off" night.
Inside Jokes
I need to clear up something here. Inside jokes are awesome, until someone mentions one to another person and when you ask whats so funny they say "oh inside joke". It's annoying, stop it. If you explain the joke it's totally fine. In RUF (my Bible study) we have one, which is way long and would be silly to put on a blog its much funnier if told in person, if you wanna know it let me know. Anyway, any time someone mentions it, we die laughing. It never fails. So take time to remember a stupid inside joke...if you don't have me give me a call.
Road trips
My girlfriends and I love to take "mini road-trips" as I call them. We just go somewhere for a day and have a blast. Last summer, we went to Busch Gardens. SO much fun!! We almost drove our guy friend out of his mind. He was kind enough to drive us and since we were in a mini van he earned the nick name "daddy". It's great to just randomly jump in a car with your friends and just go. Sometimes you just need to get away and road tripping is a great way to do it.
That's all I can think of for now, I'll keep updating as more things come to mind.
Make sure to leave your own too!!
Happy almost done with classes!
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