Sunday, March 28, 2010

Celebrating 2 Decades of Tiff The Final Installment

Well Ladies and Gentlemen here it is, the final installment of 2 Decades of the Tiff!! I had an AMAZING time at Duke and most (if not all) of these are from there. Thanks so much Shmames, you're the best!!

Here's to two more decades of spreading sugar, pink, and laughter throughout the world and Lynchburg area....

9. The Melting Pot at Duke!

8. Having an entire weekend devoted to moi :)

7. Instead of having a cake having 50 of the super-iced (I don't know the actual name, you know the cookies that you're blood sugar shoots up by looking at them? yeah those) cookies

6. Eating so much fondue at the melting pot that my dress almost didn't fit

5. Duke advancing to the Elite Eight just for my Birthday

4. Having one day of my birthday weekend devoted to shopping, eating, drinking Fresca and watching Pride &Prejudice in matching pajamas with one of the best friends a gal could ask for

3. Having my magic skills awed over by people SO much smarter than me

2. Getting updates sent to my phone every 5 minutes for 24 hours saying "_____ wrote on your wall: HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!"

1. Spending an awesome day with awesome people :D

1 comment:

  1. aww yayy!!! I had so much fun with you! I especially love number 5 haha :)
