Over the course of the past week or so, I have devised a list of my Top Guys. Top guys being guys that I would date, or that have qualities I find important in a guy. Just for the record, only one of these guys/men is real, the others are characters but hey a girl can dream!!
5. Logan Huntzberger

Logan Huntzberger, son of Mitchom Huntzberger in the hit series Gilmore Girls aka my favorite show.
Why he is Top Guy Material: Let's face it, the boy is hot. The perfectly messy hair, the perfect angles of his face, and well he's just hot. He is also very sweet and will admit when he's wrong...most of the time. He has a great sense of humor, a huge selling point for me. He does really sweet things unexpectedly, and knows the importance of a Birkin Bag.
Why he is not number 1: He's conceited, and well if I was a guy and looked like that I probably would be too. However, that's not an excuse. He's also slightly immature and is too much of a partier for me.
4. Jess Mariano

Jess Mariano, Rory's 2nd boyfriend on the hit series Gilmore Girls. Ok, I like Gilmore Girls its not my fault that all the guys are top guy material!
Why he is Top Guy Material: I started out not liking Jess, he had that whole rebellious-teen thing going on, which I do not like at all. Later though, he wrote a book, got himself together and totally changed my perspective on him. He is into the whole artsy thing, which as we all know is VERY important to me. Also, he reads (which I'm addicted to) and understands literally references and humor. Oh, and let's not forget...again he's hot, I think hotter than Logan just looks-wise. The deep brown eyes, the hair (again perfectly messy or as Luke describes it "did you do your hair with a razor?!") and what really gets me is the smirk. It's cute, it's hot, and it adds mystery. If a guy had a smile like that, I would definitely date him.
Why he is not number 1: Again, the teenage rebellion thing. I don't like it, plus he's REALLY moody. Must come with the artsy territory.
3. Westley/ Dread Pirate Roberts

Westley, the farm boy later turned to the Dread Pirate Roberts in the movie The Princess Bride. I had to include both pictures because, well he had two different names so he needed two different pictures.
Why he is Top Guy Material: He marries a princess, so he's prince material and I, being a somewhat princess, obviously find this important. He is quick witted, skilled in fencing, and insanely handsome, not to mention he saves a damsel in distress and comes back from being "mostly dead". He has a sarcastic sense of humor, but is so smooth and confident you can't help but love him. Come on, he's basically a prince.
Why he is not number 1: Although confident, he can come off as arrogant. Plus, the dread Pirate Roberts doesn't take prisoners...well except for 1 every like 5 or 10 years. Also, he's married...and not real...well neither were the others so far haha!
2. Lance Burton

Lance Burton Master Magician, the longest running act in Las Vegas. Awarded Magician of the year 2 years in a row, and a Member of The Royal Dynasty of Magic the highest award a magician can ever receive.
Why he is Top Guy Material: Starting from humble roots in Louisville, KY he worked his way up to the Master Magician he is today. He is a truly spectacular magician and trick designer. He does everything with the grace and confidence of a true magician, but manages to keep the audience entertained an laughing. Not one to be conceited, he frequently performs for numerous charities across the country. He will admit when he is wrong, and when something was stupid. Such as, he attempted an escape from a roller coaster and BARELY made it!! Stating afterwards, "That was stupid...that was REALLY stupid." on a t.v. special. Also, check out the smile ;)
Why he is not number 1: He's at least 40...and while I don't mind a guy being older than me that's old enough to be my dad.
1. Jim Halpert

If you watch The Office, you knew this was coming. Jim, basically the perfect man.
Why he is Number 1: Ok, I know Jim is not real**Pause for all the girls to cry** but here's why he is number one:
-He is low maintenance
-Confident, not conceited
- He is insanely laid-back, and oh so smooth
- Very cute, just look at him!!
-Amazing sense of humor, will do anything for a laugh
-Serious, but at the same time just goofy enough to keep you laughing
-So sweet and considerate
-Creative (I mean who else would think of putting someone's stapler in jello?!)
All of this was fun, but I'll leave y'all with a quote I just came across that I'm pretty sure describes how I will know who my real number one guy is:
"We are all a little weird and life's a little weird, and when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall in mutual weirdness and call it love." -Dr. Seuss
Love Y'all!
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