First off, I apologize to anyone who has suffered withdrawal from my lack of while I work on my NYC blog(s) here's one to keep you entertained...
I've recently been looking through some pictures of mine, due to a transferring of files from one computer to another. This act has caused me to remember oh so many things about myself, and also come to a certain realization on something: I have the potential to be "normal", however, I seem to upset the scales a little. Not too much, but enough to make a difference. So, sporadically, as they come to me, I will post my "Tiffalities" as opposed to "normalities". Here's the first that came to mind:
The Dear Fellow in the Passenger Seat
Last Summer, the kid's ministry I work with (The Filling Station- at my church went to the IPHC General Conference. IPHC is International Pentecostal Holiness Church. Basically, all the pastors and the other important people from the IPHC all meet once a year at General Conference to discuss all the important stuff about the church. Obviously, I did not go to that part of it what I did go to was our part of it- the kid's ministry.
Quick rabbit trail on that: IT WAS SO MUCH FUN!!! Yeah, I was up at 7am and usually didn't get to sleep until like 12am or later but it was so worth it!! I performed a magic show, the kids were AWESOME and a TON of them got saved which made the entire thing worth it.
Back on the other trail:
We all had to drive down to Greensboro, NC. "We" consisted of the staff of the Filling Station consisting of: Parents, me, 3 other teens, and of course some of the kids. However I'm the oldest teen so the other teens had listen to me :) Along the way, we stopped by God's Pit Crew (an AWESOME ministry! Check it out!) because they were storing some stuff for us...nothing too important just our entire set and everything we needed down there basically. We realized when we got there we would have to put some things in other people's cars. All of the other cars were basically full with luggage and other random roadtrippy things (like other people and children). However, I was the only one in my car (Coincidence? I think NOT!). Now everyone else took the normal things we had: Lights, cords, a few minor styrofoam set pieces (ok I know that sounds abnormal but it's totally normal at the Filling Station where everything but our faith is made out of styrofoam). Now let's take a look at my car.
First of all, I drive a Candy Apple Red 2006 Toyota Solara. Everybody else there was driving either a big rig, mini van, or suv. Compared to those giants, I have a 2 door Barbie car, that I love dearly. In this car so far was me, my other small car aka my suitcase, a 12 pack of mtn dew, and a collection of CDs that yes I did sing to- loudly and off key with choreography. We added to that 2 normal items: Candy (3 boxes of it in my trunk and backseat and YES it made it there uneaten...due to the fact of where it was located) and styrofoam dinosaur bones (the theme was "Night at The Museum: God's Word Comes to Life!...yeah awesome I know). The other...thing...well...I'll let the picture show you:

That deer fellow (HAHA I love puns) in the passenger seat is just what you think it is and exactly what you don't expect it to be. Yes, it is a deer head but its not a real one. His name is Buck and he is one of our character at The Filling Station. He's animatronic, so he talks...and moves and well we weren't just going to throw him in the back of someones car! So we buckled him into the front seat of mine!
Along the way to Greensboro, I passed a variety of Big Rigs. In one, there were 3 younger guys about my age. They passed me, I passed them and they gave me some odd looks (and not just because of my staggering beauty either HA). About five minutes later, they pass me again...this time with cameras. I'm still looking for the pictures on facebook, myspace, and Bass Pro Shops.
That's it for now, if you think of more instances where I am slightly off balance, leave a comment and I'll be sure to write about it!
Love y'all,