If you get the reference the title makes, I totally know why you continue to read my blog. If you don't, google "Green Lantern Mantra".
Now, back to business.
This past week I went to the beach with my family. It was so lovely and relaxing. Also full of compliments from guys...by "full of" I mean two. Which is two more that I've had in the past month. But who's keeping count?
Anyway, one of the most interesting encounters I had happened at a 70s, 80s, and 90s store.
I was looking for a Green Lantern Tee shirt, preferably vintage looking. This store had the BEST tee shirts, however I ended up not getting any as you will soon see why.
I did find a GL tee, but as they were men's sizes I needed a size or two down from what I normally wear. Since those sizes weren't out, I did a gutsy thing and *gasp* went to the front to ask if they had some in the back!
Allow to me describe the two gentlemen working:
#1- CUTE CUTE CUTE! Nerdy, glasses, and a shirt that said "If there was a problem, yo I'll solve it" with a calculator on it. I hope to one day meet him again...at an altar
#2- What you would expect to work in a 70s, 80s, and 90s store. I think he still lived with his mom...
So I went to the front and ,of course, went to cute guy (c'mon it's me, what'd you expect?). I asked if he had the shirt in a smaller size and he responded, "What size does he normally wear?"
I then gracefully and not spastically at all (yeah right) said that I was single and the shirt was for me. He smiled a dazzling smile and said "Oh that's cool!"
Que me melting...
Thenn there was guy #2.
As I was in the process of fawning over guy #1, guy #2 says in a whisper- but loud enough for me to hear - "That's hot."
I looked at him.
He looked at me.
I said..."Thank...you?"
He said, "Oh you heard that?"
Guy #1: "Uhm...sorry about him."
Most awkward moment of my life.
Let's hope guy #1 likes cute, nerdy, awkward girls!