However, within the past few weeks or so I have become oddly ok with being where I am relationship-wise. Actually, I enjoy being single quite a lot, and quite honestly have come to a point where I don't want a boyfriend right now (I know I think I've gone crazy too). I don't have to worry about not spending enough time with someone, stupid fights over nothing, being jealous, or any of that stuff that can come with relationships.
Having this new frame of mind has given me a wonderful ability to objectively look at how relationships in the society I live in tend to work. Allow me to explain:
1. Guy likes girl, most likely met her in a group of friends or was introduced by a friend/friend-of-a-friend.
2. They may hang out in a group once or twice. Then quickly move on to step 3.
3. Guy and Girl go on a one-on-one date. Most people consider this a "Serious" stage.
4. Guy and Girl go on more dates, never going out with anyone else less they be ridiculed. Que texting stupid things - including pet names.
5. Guy and Girl have "DTR" or the "Defining the Relationship" talk. This ends in either A) They become a couple or B) They realize they don't want the same thing and it ends bitterly.
6. If you go to LU yo're engaged in the next year.
Ok just kidding y'all.
That's the way dating DOES work where I live - or at least in my experience. I don't like this system. Here's the way I think this should work:
1. Guy and Girl meet - I don't care how but they do.
2. Hang out with their friends (mutual or otherwise) in groups numerous times.
3. Guy asks Girl out on a date. However, both are still free to date other people.
4. If date goes well, they continue. If not, then let it just die out - it wasn't serious to begin with so it won't be that hard to get over them. May start texting/calling each other a little more after the first date.
5. Go on other dates, and have the "DTR". Texting/calling may advance and petnames may ensue.
6. After and ONLY after the "DTR" do I consider a relationship serious. Meaning I'm not free to date anyone else afterwards.
Obviously, I like my system better. Hanging out in groups is great, it relieves the stress on each person and let's them "be themselves" a little more. Also, I think you should get to know the person better before you commit to spending a few hours alone with them. If you don't know them that well you may have just bought yourself a full two hours of listening to nothing except for their vast knowledge about cults. Yes, I'm speaking from personal experience there.
I really hate it when people think going on one date means you're exclusively dating that one person. I see no problem with me casually going on a date with one guy on Friday and a different guy on Saturday. Not that it's ever happened, but still you know what I mean.
Dating is supposed to be fun, and I feel like the system now takes the fun out of it. There's too much stress involved in it, and really who needs more of THAT?
Till later faithful readers!
I agree with this system. I also think you should add one more round. The "Meet the Parents/Sink or Swim elimination round". Where you seperate the men from boys. Also a good old fashioned sack race to know who would be able to save you in the most absurd of circumstances
ReplyDeleteI like it, I'll include that in "Tiff's Dating Game: Uncut"