What do babies do? Look cute, eat, sleep, poop, smile every now and again, and cry. What in the world is attractive about that? defines “Baby” as thus:
1. An infant or very young child.
2. A newborn or very young animal.
3. An immature or childish person.
4. A human fetus.
Newborn or very young animal…hm why not just call me Puggle? Aka a baby Platypus. I can understand someone being ok with being called “childish” as in child-like. However, any man with half a brain knows better than to call his girlfriend immature.
Justin Beiber also overused this word enough for the entire human population.
So ladies and the 2 guys that read this, next time your significant other calls you “baby” just think “Human Fetus”.
I dare you to tell your girlfriend, “That’ll do pig, that’ll do.”
Most overused name ever. I am guilty of using it though, but only for my friends, which s fine. I don’t know what it is but whenever someone calls their significant other hon it just seems forced – like they’re trying to say “Look! I’m in a relationship! We call each other cutesy names to make others around us feel awkward! You’re going to die alone! Blah blah blah”. I hate this name because it’s an abbreviation to a nickname. If you’re going to shorten this you may as well ask “WYMM?” instead of Will You Marry Me?
Hated only by association with the name “hon” – I consider this a Bakery item, making the full word ok as long as “Hon” is never used. Ever.
Oh for heaven’s sake! I like being put on a pedestal and all but PLEASE do not think THAT highly of me! I would find it a little creepy if my boyfriend thought I was THAT perfect, I would probably nickname him “Crazy McStalkerson”.
Yes, I’ve heard this one before – heck, I’ve even been called this before. Doves are almost the same thing as a pigeon, same family just a different species. They both poop on cars, people on the beach, and statues.
I will only accept this name if the guy/girl calling you this is either a legit pirate, or is dressed like one. No exceptions. If you have a boyfriend that does that exactly, but you’re sick of him…send him my way :)

That'll work...

Does he also ask what you have in your pockets?
Disclaimer: I find it fine if married couples call each other these or any other pet names. They've already made a life long commitment to each other. This doesn't apply to engaged couples because while they're more serious than dating, they still haven't actually made that commitment yet.
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