The holidays are coming ever closer, of course all of my dear friends know exactly where you will be receiving your presents from if they came from me. While browsing the web and looking through all the other blogs I follow, I came across many things I want for Christmas/fun/birthday/bribe-gift. Here's my list, not surprisingly it is very dorky. If you're surprised you have definitely not been reading for long and I welcome you!
Now, on with the list!
1. Snitch Necklace

Seriously y'all? I NEED this, especially for the LAST MOVIE PREMIER. Also, who else at my place of employment will have one? That's right none.
For better views and more awesome HP pieces:
Snitch Necklace
2. Choker
So there's this thing called Steampunk...and I'm obsessed. To describe it in a sentence, "What the past would look like if the future had happened sooner". I love the clothes, jewelry, colors, and inventions that are used in it. Here's a perfect example:

*Drools on floor* Must...HAVE!!
It's gorgeous and I could definitely still wear it to work and not get stared at, well anymore than usual.
3. Inanimate Object Stickers
No, I'm not kidding stop asking that. People at work already know I'm quirky and others keep taking my stapler, hole punch, and Green pens!! If there were faces on them I'd be able to reclaim my rightful possessions, while looking cute at the same time.

Here it is!
Cute Desk Stuff
4. Bumper stickers!!
I'll go ahead and save you time, most of you will not understand this one but I want it.

Link is here:
If you don't get this, stop reading my blog. Also, not talking about my in-ability to clean clear surfaces that lead outside.

Totally self explanatory.

5. Engagement Ring

Just Kidding!!
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