With birthdays comes the inevitable question for friends and family of said birthday girl/boy "What do I get them?"
See, this was particularly hard for me to answer because no present would be good enough for my mom. Not because she would thing it wasn't good enough. Quite the contrary, I'm pretty sure if I made her a macaroni picture, she'd love it. No, I wouldn't think it was good enough. Personally, the only present I think would be good enough for mom is this:
For those uneducated in the world of Tiffany & Co. allow me to explain. That is the Tiffany Diamond, one of the biggst diamonds in the world, only worn by 2 people the latest being Audrey Hepburn. As much as I love Audrey, my mom deserves not only to wear this but to OWN it.
As is stated in my title, mom is the Lorelai to my Rory, it's a Gilmore Girls reference. (and if you don't know what I'm talking about get out from under the rock your living under and google or wiki it.)
If I screw up (which is often) Mom's there to not just tell me what I did wrong, but to tell me how to fix it, prevent it, and to forgive me.
She has sacrificed so much for me, I can never repay that.
Even after going through so much, she is still one of the strongest Christians I know, and someone I can look up to.
Like Rory, I can live in my own little world and like being alone. Mom, like Lorelai, tells me when I've gone into "hermit" mode and pulls me out of it.
If I need advice, I know where to go. Even if I don't want it, I'm gonna get it. And usually, to my dismay, she's right.
Correction: In all my experience whenever I say "You're wrong" within and hour to 6 months I'm going to come back with a "Oh...by the way...you were right"
When I was little, she scared the clowns from underneath my bed...even tho she was one once (true story)
When I had my heartbroken she was there to tell me "All boys can be stupid"
If I had asthma problems late at night, even after I fell asleep she was the one still awake making sure I was waking up to do my medicine.
She taught me how to do my hair, and which shade of foundation to buy.
She's the one I can always go to, even if we're not seeing eye to eye, I can count on the fact she will be there for me.
She knows me better than I know myself, again, to my dismay at some times.
She can still hang with the college kids (don't believe me? look at her wall!)
She makes anything fun. Even running through the rain...in dresses and heels...

She puts up with my insanity...not an easy feat.
She taught me how to make people laugh
She pushed me when I said "I can't"
She stopped me when I said "I can" and shouldn't have
She made me laugh when I wanted to scream, made me smile when I wanted to cry, and made me laugh when I was just smiling.
She did my hair and makeup for Prom, and made me feel like a real Princess...she even defaced one of my friends while doing THEIR makeup for Prom to make me look better =)

She helped me improve my art
She wasn't afraid to tell me "you can do better"
Even though I know I can drive her crazy, and vice-versa, I know I can count on her. My mom is the best, and I challenge anyone to defy me. I hope that when (if) I grow up, I can be half the person my mom is.
So Mom, Happy Birthday, I love you.
WoW! You made me cry! I know...I know...Sometimes you think I have no heart! lol.. However, you do have a great mom. That was soo sweet.