Sunday, July 4, 2010

Slightly off Balance- Tiffality #2

Now, back by popular demand...

My Blog and "Slightly off Balance"

First of all, I'm sorry I haven't written in awhile! Ok a few months, I got a promotion at work (YAY!) and upped my hours, then I started a class so as much as I love you I see most of you in person during the week anyway so it was slightly pointless to write a blog about things I already told you.

However, that's no longer the case! I've been at the beach and so many odd thing have happened to me, I had to pick back up with a Slightly off Balance post about my "Tiffalities".

Tiffality #1 of this post (actually #2 of this blog, but whatever):

I will start this story as all good Southern stories start: There I was...

There I was finally in Myrtle Beach, I had slept for 4 hours so of course I didn't look my usual beautiful self, more of a lesser version of that - like when magazines do a spread on "Stars without makeup" I was the "Before" picture only about 10 times worse. Let me break it down: Sweatpants (ok J.Crew ones, but sweats none the less), hair slicked back (I do mean slicked), and most importantly NO MAKEUP - yeah that isn't supposed to happen.

I looked bad. So when mom asked me if I wanted to go to the store with her, how did I respond? "Yeah sure!" Fast forward to us having walked around the store for about an hour when lo and behold *cue "ahhing" choir* a hottie appeared! 20's, dressed in a nice suit, very clean cut, cute, and a killer southern accent to boot! He walked right past us, and let's face it if a guy like THAT walks by me, I'm going to smile (no Julie sorry to disappoint I did not wink).

Then my dear, sweet mother brought me back down to Earth. She leaned in closer to me, and I was preparing myself for the wonderful motherly wisdom she imparts to me. I'll never forget what she (sarcastically) said, "Good thing you don't look like crap!" First thought? "Oh...THAT'S why he laughed".

So, my final thought on this was "ok that's just one guy, I have the rest of the week to find cute guys! it'll be fine"

Fast Forward to Day 2:

I had to make a deposit at my bank and find a book to read (the only ones I brought were textbooks - why? I have no idea) so I was going down the road that A) goes past my bank and B) has a Wal-Mart on it. Perfect right?

But there was more to this trip my friends! If you've ever been to the beach with me and my fam, you may notice I do not drive down here. Why? If you've ridden with/seen my drive, you know exactly why. So, this was going to be my first solo trip ever at the beach, in the 20 years I've been coming here. I know it's patheotic, but let's move on - I was excited and looked pretty darn good too. While I'm on my way out mom hands me a list of things that she wants me to pick up for us and I said sure why not?

I finally arrive at Wally World, amazingly not too crowded. I decide to go ahead and get my book first, and being the chick I am I settled on a Nick Sparks book (which was AMAZING by the way - True Believer check it out). Then I move on to the list my dear mommy gave me, apparently one of the 3 ladies in the room had their Aunt Flo visit. The list was as follows: pads, tampons, midol extra strength.

Oh shoot.

I hate buying that kind of thing, and I didn't want to get a basket so I just carried all the items. While walking to the check out I passed yet another cute guy (do they all just live at the beach?!) and since I looked better what did I do? I apparently only I can smile ;) haha. Then, he kind of looked at me for a second...

...then BOLTED

First thought, "What the heck?" Then I realized...I'm holding "feminine products", midol, and a Nick Sparks book all I needed was the chocolate bar.

Heck, I would've bolted too.

Stay tuned for more of Slightly off Balance!